Thursday, September 23, 2010

27 oh my!!

My birthday is Friday and I don't feel 27. I'm going to a spa with my friend who has been begging me to go for months now. It's one of those naked spas yikes! But they have a full body scrub and that sounds Divine! So I'm excited, and hoping I like it and if I do I hope to go every month like she does.

So this summer was really hard for me. My husband was let go from his job at the beginning of June and so I went back to work. The only problem there is that I do not make even a fraction of what he does. So we were living off of nothing all summer. It was really hard and I'm glad it's over and hopefully it won't happen again. Now I'm back home with the kids and getting used to the old routine again. I love when I hear people say that they are a family that likes their sleep and that 7am is early to them. That is me and my family. My kids are getting up earlier now but I am having trouble with 7:30 being the new norm for getting up. I know whine whine poor me I'm lucky my kids don't get up at 5 or 6. Yes I know that and always have known that I was lucky that my kids slept a full 12 hours each night. I have been dreading the school days, how do I get them up and ready when I could never do that for myself? My daughter is in preschool so the school days have started bleck! With the new routine, not much sleep and did I mention trying to start a business, I feel like I am going crazy! No patients and constant frustration blah it sucks! So really need the spa day!